sábado, 9 de junho de 2012


Study in Germany

Germany is rich in culture and history. Many of the foreigners who go there are enchanted with their beauty and are impressed with the responsiveness of the habitants.
The German schools stand out for quality and diversity of supply. They join a great tradition to university facilities, research and modern teaching. The Federal Government support, through various initiatives and programs, the internationalization of higher education.       German universities now offer a large number of internationally compatible courses (bachelors and masters). Especially in the post-graduate there is a wide range of options for courses taught in English.       Mark of life in Germany is the rich cultural offerings in various small and large universities. Germany has nine neighboring European countries in the European Union over the next eight partners. This causes the distance to be traveled is relatively small.       Information on study opportunities in Germany can be obtained from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Universities and schools of higher education institutions are among the German leaders worldwide with regard to teaching and research. Hundreds of thousands of foreign students currently studying at universities in Germany.

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  1. Frank Fox disse... 15 de junho de 2012 às 14:55

    Hi do you know if Argosy has any special exchange program with Germany?


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